All Classes and Interfaces

Used for your custom arguments.
Represents a result you will probably get from Argument.handleCorrection(String).
Main that is used for making argument nodes.
Used to provide a priority for Arguments.
Used for base commands like /feed, /god etc.
Used to give information about a command class.
A context class that contains some information about a command execution.
Main interface used by CommandNodes as 'a method to run when someone executes me'.
Static command manager for registering commands.
Main class for nodes of CommandTrees.
Represents a command tree that can hold infinite amount of CommandNodes as children.
An interface that must be added to subclasses of TreeCommandHandler, so Simpler.registerCommands(JavaPlugin) can notice TreeCommandHandler.
Used for core commands like /friends invite,/friends list,/friends remove etc.
Main class you will use for custom item systems.
A registry class used for registering custom items.
An example extension of custom Arguments: This argument can be any double, or a double in a range.
An example of custom ArgumentNodes.
An example extension of a custom Arguments: This argument is an enum you give at constructor.
An example of custom ArgumentNodes.
Represents type of a field annotated with SaveField.
Must be added to event handler methods when making a CustomItem.
Represents the type of an event handler method annotated with HandleEvent.
An example extension of custom Arguments: This argument can be any integer, or an integer in a range.
An example of custom ArgumentNodes.
A renamed version of Exception.
Listener class for custom items.
Static manager for CustomItems.
Another type of configuration that can read JSON files.
An example of custom CommandNode.
An example extension of a custom Arguments: This argument can be one of the values you give at constructor.
An example of custom ArgumentNodes.
A basic database class made using Gson.
A basic database class made using Gson.
Represents a custom menu.
Represents a temporary data for communication between any code and Menu classes.
Should be registered as one of your plugin's listeners so Menus will work.
Static manager class for Menus.
Configuration for default messages sent by Simpler through handling, such as argument correction or permission messages.
Builder class that will hopefully help you create a message configuration.
An extremely simple JSON builder.
A super simple representation of a JSON object.
A renamed version of Exception.
A custom menu implementation tha lets you make a paginated menu by just providing some items, everything else is handled by this class.
An example extension of a custom Argument: This argument can be an online Player..
An example of custom ArgumentNodes.
Add this annotation to fields that you want to be saved in your CustomItem.
Main class of Simpler.
An interface that makes your class able to store under a ListDataManager or a MapDataManager
An example extension of a custom Argument: This argument can be used for any kind of string arguments.
An example of custom ArgumentNode.
Used to make sub commands for CoreCommands.
An interface that determines which CoreCommand will contain this SubCommand.
Represents a syntax for a command.
Static manager to translate colors and generate translation keys.
A class that hols a CommandTree for CommandManager to use.
Static class for various utilities.
Can be used as a YamlConfiguration.